102030405060708090100110120130140150160170180195520021552255230240255526552702802903003155320335534223503603755383339040041224222430442245046224711481149050115111520530542255225605722580 module fluentasserts.core.operations.lessOrEqualTo; import fluentasserts.core.results; import fluentasserts.core.evaluation; import fluentasserts.core.lifecycle; import std.conv; import std.datetime; version(unittest) { import fluentasserts.core.expect; } static immutable lessOrEqualToDescription = "Asserts that the tested value is less or equal than the tested value. However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value."; /// IResult[] lessOrEqualTo(T)(ref Evaluation evaluation) @safe nothrow { evaluation.message.addText("."); T expectedValue; T currentValue; try { expectedValue = evaluation.expectedValue.strValue.to!T; currentValue = evaluation.currentValue.strValue.to!T; } catch(Exception e) { return [ new MessageResult("Can't convert the values to " ~ T.stringof) ]; } auto result = currentValue <= expectedValue; if(evaluation.isNegated) { result = !result; } if(result) { return []; } evaluation.message.addText(" "); evaluation.message.addValue(evaluation.currentValue.niceValue); IResult[] results = []; if(evaluation.isNegated) { evaluation.message.addText(" is less or equal to "); results ~= new ExpectedActualResult("greater than " ~ evaluation.expectedValue.niceValue, evaluation.currentValue.niceValue); } else { evaluation.message.addText(" is greater than "); results ~= new ExpectedActualResult("less or equal to " ~ evaluation.expectedValue.niceValue, evaluation.currentValue.niceValue); } evaluation.message.addValue(evaluation.expectedValue.niceValue); evaluation.message.addText("."); return results; }
module fluentasserts.core.operations.lessOrEqualTo; import fluentasserts.core.results; import fluentasserts.core.evaluation; import fluentasserts.core.lifecycle; import std.conv; import std.datetime; version(unittest) { import fluentasserts.core.expect; } static immutable lessOrEqualToDescription = "Asserts that the tested value is less or equal than the tested value. However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value."; /// IResult[] lessOrEqualTo(T)(ref Evaluation evaluation) @safe nothrow { evaluation.message.addText("."); T expectedValue; T currentValue; try { expectedValue = evaluation.expectedValue.strValue.to!T; currentValue = evaluation.currentValue.strValue.to!T; } catch(Exception e) { return [ new MessageResult("Can't convert the values to " ~ T.stringof) ]; } auto result = currentValue <= expectedValue; if(evaluation.isNegated) { result = !result; } if(result) { return []; } evaluation.message.addText(" "); evaluation.message.addValue(evaluation.currentValue.niceValue); IResult[] results = []; if(evaluation.isNegated) { evaluation.message.addText(" is less or equal to "); results ~= new ExpectedActualResult("greater than " ~ evaluation.expectedValue.niceValue, evaluation.currentValue.niceValue); } else { evaluation.message.addText(" is greater than "); results ~= new ExpectedActualResult("less or equal to " ~ evaluation.expectedValue.niceValue, evaluation.currentValue.niceValue); } evaluation.message.addValue(evaluation.expectedValue.niceValue); evaluation.message.addText("."); return results; }