10203040506070809010011012013014015016017018019020021022023024025026027028029030031032033034035036037038039040041042043044045046047048049050051052053054055056057058059060061062063064065066067068369170171072073074075376177078079080081082383184085086087088089090191192093094095296197098099110001013102110301040105110621070108210901100111011201130114011511161117011811190120012101222123112401250126212721282129013001310132013311340135213601371138213901400141214201430144014501461147014831491150015101521153215401550156215701580159016001612162016301640165016601670168016901701171017201732174117501760177117801790180218121820183018401850186118721880189219001912192219301940195219621972198019932002201020202032204220522060 module fluentasserts.core.callable; public import fluentasserts.core.base; import std.string; import std.datetime; import std.conv; import std.traits; import fluentasserts.core.results; @safe: /// struct ShouldCallable(T) { private { T callable; } mixin ShouldCommons; mixin ShouldThrowableCommons; /// this(lazy T callable) { auto result = callable.evaluate; valueEvaluation = result.evaluation; this.callable = result.value; } /// auto haveExecutionTime(string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) { validateException; auto tmpShould = ShouldBaseType!Duration(evaluate(valueEvaluation.duration)).forceMessage(" have execution time"); return tmpShould; } /// auto beNull(string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) { validateException; addMessage(" be "); addValue("null"); beginCheck; bool isNull = callable is null; string expected; static if(isDelegate!callable) { string actual = callable.ptr.to!string; } else { string actual = (cast(void*)callable).to!string; } if(expectedValue) { expected = "null"; } else { expected = "not null"; } return result(isNull, [], new ExpectedActualResult(expected, actual), file, line); } } /// Should be able to catch any exception unittest { ({ throw new Exception("test"); }).should.throwAnyException.msg.should.equal("test"); } /// Should be able to catch any assert unittest { ({ assert(false, "test"); }).should.throwSomething.withMessage.equal("test"); } /// Should be able to use with message without a custom assert unittest { ({ assert(false, "test"); }).should.throwSomething.withMessage("test"); } /// Should be able to catch a certain exception type unittest { class CustomException : Exception { this(string msg, string fileName = "", size_t line = 0, Throwable next = null) { super(msg, fileName, line, next); } } ({ throw new CustomException("test"); }).should.throwException!CustomException.withMessage("test"); bool hasException; try { ({ throw new Exception("test"); }).should.throwException!CustomException.withMessage("test"); } catch(TestException t) { hasException = true; t.msg.should.contain(" }) should throw exception with message equal \"test\". `object.Exception` saying `test` was thrown."); } hasException.should.equal(true).because("we want to catch a CustomException not an Exception"); } /// Should be able to retrieve a typed version of a custom exception unittest { class CustomException : Exception { int data; this(int data, string msg, string fileName = "", size_t line = 0, Throwable next = null) { super(msg, fileName, line, next); this.data = data; } } auto thrown = ({ throw new CustomException(2, "test"); }).should.throwException!CustomException.thrown; thrown.should.not.beNull; thrown.msg.should.equal("test"); (cast(CustomException) thrown).data.should.equal(2); } /// Should fail if an exception is not thrown unittest { auto thrown = false; try { ({ }).should.throwAnyException; } catch(TestException e) { thrown = true; e.msg.split("\n")[0].should.equal("({ }) should throw any exception. No exception was thrown."); } thrown.should.equal(true); } /// Should fail if an exception is not expected unittest { auto thrown = false; try { ({ throw new Exception("test"); }).should.not.throwAnyException; } catch(TestException e) { thrown = true; e.msg.split("\n")[2].should.equal(" }) should not throw any exception. `object.Exception` saying `test` was thrown."); } thrown.should.equal(true); } /// Should be able to benchmark some code unittest { ({ }).should.haveExecutionTime.lessThan(1.seconds); } /// Should fail on benchmark timeout unittest { import core.thread; TestException exception = null; try { ({ Thread.sleep(2.msecs); }).should.haveExecutionTime.lessThan(1.msecs); } catch(TestException e) { exception = e; } exception.should.not.beNull.because("we wait 20 milliseconds"); exception.msg.should.startWith("({\n Thread.sleep(2.msecs);\n }) should have execution time less than 1 ms."); } /// It should check if a delegate is null unittest { void delegate() action; action.should.beNull; ({ }).should.not.beNull; auto msg = ({ action.should.not.beNull; }).should.throwException!TestException.msg; msg.should.startWith("action should not be null."); msg.should.contain("Expected:not null"); msg.should.contain("Actual:null"); msg = ({ ({ }).should.beNull; }).should.throwException!TestException.msg; msg.should.startWith("({ }) should be null."); msg.should.contain("Expected:null\n"); msg.should.not.contain("Actual:null\n"); }
module fluentasserts.core.callable; public import fluentasserts.core.base; import std.string; import std.datetime; import std.conv; import std.traits; import fluentasserts.core.results; @safe: /// struct ShouldCallable(T) { private { T callable; } mixin ShouldCommons; mixin ShouldThrowableCommons; /// this(lazy T callable) { auto result = callable.evaluate; valueEvaluation = result.evaluation; this.callable = result.value; } /// auto haveExecutionTime(string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) { validateException; auto tmpShould = ShouldBaseType!Duration(evaluate(valueEvaluation.duration)).forceMessage(" have execution time"); return tmpShould; } /// auto beNull(string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) { validateException; addMessage(" be "); addValue("null"); beginCheck; bool isNull = callable is null; string expected; static if(isDelegate!callable) { string actual = callable.ptr.to!string; } else { string actual = (cast(void*)callable).to!string; } if(expectedValue) { expected = "null"; } else { expected = "not null"; } return result(isNull, [], new ExpectedActualResult(expected, actual), file, line); } } /// Should be able to catch any exception unittest { ({ throw new Exception("test"); }).should.throwAnyException.msg.should.equal("test"); } /// Should be able to catch any assert unittest { ({ assert(false, "test"); }).should.throwSomething.withMessage.equal("test"); } /// Should be able to use with message without a custom assert unittest { ({ assert(false, "test"); }).should.throwSomething.withMessage("test"); } /// Should be able to catch a certain exception type unittest { class CustomException : Exception { this(string msg, string fileName = "", size_t line = 0, Throwable next = null) { super(msg, fileName, line, next); } } ({ throw new CustomException("test"); }).should.throwException!CustomException.withMessage("test"); bool hasException; try { ({ throw new Exception("test"); }).should.throwException!CustomException.withMessage("test"); } catch(TestException t) { hasException = true; t.msg.should.contain(" }) should throw exception with message equal \"test\". `object.Exception` saying `test` was thrown."); } hasException.should.equal(true).because("we want to catch a CustomException not an Exception"); } /// Should be able to retrieve a typed version of a custom exception unittest { class CustomException : Exception { int data; this(int data, string msg, string fileName = "", size_t line = 0, Throwable next = null) { super(msg, fileName, line, next); this.data = data; } } auto thrown = ({ throw new CustomException(2, "test"); }).should.throwException!CustomException.thrown; thrown.should.not.beNull; thrown.msg.should.equal("test"); (cast(CustomException) thrown).data.should.equal(2); } /// Should fail if an exception is not thrown unittest { auto thrown = false; try { ({ }).should.throwAnyException; } catch(TestException e) { thrown = true; e.msg.split("\n")[0].should.equal("({ }) should throw any exception. No exception was thrown."); } thrown.should.equal(true); } /// Should fail if an exception is not expected unittest { auto thrown = false; try { ({ throw new Exception("test"); }).should.not.throwAnyException; } catch(TestException e) { thrown = true; e.msg.split("\n")[2].should.equal(" }) should not throw any exception. `object.Exception` saying `test` was thrown."); } thrown.should.equal(true); } /// Should be able to benchmark some code unittest { ({ }).should.haveExecutionTime.lessThan(1.seconds); } /// Should fail on benchmark timeout unittest { import core.thread; TestException exception = null; try { ({ Thread.sleep(2.msecs); }).should.haveExecutionTime.lessThan(1.msecs); } catch(TestException e) { exception = e; } exception.should.not.beNull.because("we wait 20 milliseconds"); exception.msg.should.startWith("({\n Thread.sleep(2.msecs);\n }) should have execution time less than 1 ms."); } /// It should check if a delegate is null unittest { void delegate() action; action.should.beNull; ({ }).should.not.beNull; auto msg = ({ action.should.not.beNull; }).should.throwException!TestException.msg; msg.should.startWith("action should not be null."); msg.should.contain("Expected:not null"); msg.should.contain("Actual:null"); msg = ({ ({ }).should.beNull; }).should.throwException!TestException.msg; msg.should.startWith("({ }) should be null."); msg.should.contain("Expected:null\n"); msg.should.not.contain("Actual:null\n"); }